US Navy Veteran Challenges Maxine Waters House Seat

Black Republican, U.S. Navy Vet and South L.A. Native looking to unseat Maxine Waters

Los Angeles, California Feb 11, 2020 (  - With the primaries right around the corner, meet U.S. Navy veteran, South Los Angeles native and black conservative Joe Collins running for Congress against longtime incumbent Maxine Waters in California’s 43rdDistrict.

Her career in Congress is also nothing to gloat about. Since she was elected in 1990, she has sponsored just three bills that became law renaming of a post office, a Haiti relief bill, and an alteration to the national flood insurance program.

That’s not to say her time in Congress hasn’t benefitted some people. According to The Los Angeles Times, her family has made millions of dollars profiting from her government connections while her constituency has struggled with poverty, low-income jobs and an increase in homelessness. Waters was named the most corrupt member of Congress in 2005, 2006, 2009, and 2011 by the group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

Congressional Candidate Joe Collins launched his campaign July of 2019 and has since raised over $900,000.

He and his team have already started to work in the district as if he were already in Congress. Collins is supporting organizations such as the Hidden Pioneers who are sponsored by NASA, to bring S.T.E.M. programs and a gateway to NASA careers and the Space force to High Schools and colleges across California, as well as working with local municipalities to rebuild in opportunity zones.

Joe Collins says “My main goal is to provide value and opportunities to the community I grew up. I want to use the programs and bills President Trump has signed into law such as Opportunity Zone Act to rebuild our district, create more small business ownership, and bring quality jobs back to South Los Angeles. I also plan on using the Criminal Justice Reform and First Step Act to bring our men and women who are victims of the unjust judicial system back home and get them back to work and leaders and role models in our inner cities.”

After being labeled a “Blue State” for many years, one must ask themselves, is California as blue as the rest of the country thinks? During a candidates’ forum in South Los Angeles, (in which Maxine Waters reluctantly missed,) hosted by the Coalition of 100 Black Women, Joe Collins was asked if a registered Republican and his BOLD response were forced the crowd of mainly Democrats to erupt in cheers. “I am a bonafide, registered proud black Republican. I have conservative values. I believe we can build our own communities without the help of the Government. I am Pro-Life. I believe we should protect our religious freedoms. I support our President and that’s just how it is.”
“Simply put, If Maxine Waters cared about the people of the 43rd District, instead of screaming “impeach 45” every chance she gets, she would be using the programs President Trump has signed into law that are designed to help the inner cities. Instead, she sits in her Mansion and yells to impeach the only President who has put any kind of effort into helping these deteriorating inner-city communities. She does not care about us and she is no Aunty of mine.”

Candidate Joe Collins Is the man to watch in this upcoming Congressional election against Waters. He has since been endorsed by,
- The California GOP
- LT Steven Rogers - Lieutenant Commander U.S. Navy, FBI Joint National Terrorism Task Force - Retired, and Adviser to President Donald J Trump 2020
- The Los Angeles GOP
- The Torrance Police Officer’s Association
- The New Journey PAC
- Boots of Recovery
- The Legacy Republican Alliance
- The Republican National Hispanic Assembly.

Other candidates in this race are Omar Navarro who is currently being held in custody on multiple charges.


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Joe Collins for Congress
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Tags : Congress , President , Trump , Maxine Waters , United States , America , Joe Collins

Joe Collins for Congress
California, Los Angeles
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