When Do You Need Nose Surgery Septoplasty?

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct a deviated septum, which can cause difficulty breathing, chronic sinus infections, and other issues. It is recommended when non-surgical treatments have failed.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates Apr 19, 2023 (Issuewire.com)  - Dr. Muddazir is an experienced ENT surgeon in Dubai, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, and throat conditions. He offers a wide range of surgical procedures and utilizes the latest techniques and technologies to ensure the best possible outcomes for his patients. Now let’s understand Septoturbinoplasty.

Septoplasty is the surgery of the septum located in our noses. A surgeon performs it when we have deviated septum. Sometimes, we may have a little deviated septum that can cause problems. Deviated septum also increases the risk of sinus problems.

Septoturbinoplasty fixes a deviated septum and places it in the middle. During the procedure, your surgeon will remove some parts of it. Once it is over, you can breathe normally. Today we will talk about the reasons for you opting for nose surgery.

Benefits of Septoplasty

  • Septoplasty can help you breathe properly.
  • Septoplasty can fix a deviated septum and place it in the middle
  • Septoplasty can help trim and replace bone.

Signs You Need to Opt for Septoplasty

  • Nose bleeding: A deviated septum can cause problems in breathing because it obstructs air passage. As a result, it can lead to nose bleeding. Nose surgery septoplasty can stop bleeding. 
  • Headaches: Deviated septum causes head pain and is exhausting. It, in turn, can create problems in your sinus by building pressure.
  • Obstruction in the nose: Nasal obstruction can lead to difficulty breathing. Nasal obstruction happens due to colds, allergies, and infections. 
  • Problem with smelling power: Are you facing problems with sleeping food? Maybe you have a deviated septum. It is time for you to opt for Septoturbinoplasty.
  • Numbness: Is one side of your nose numb? Numbness is a feeling when you cannot feel anything. A deviated septum can give rise to numbness.
  • Problem with breathing: The easy sign to recognize that you need nose surgery is to monitor your breathing. Do you face difficulty breathing? Then, you have to opt for nose surgery.
  • Sleeping problem: A deviated septum can give rise to sleep apnea. Here, you will be snoring loudly, this causing sleep disturbances.
  • Hole in the septum: Do you have a hole in your septum? Then you have to opt for nose surgery septoplasty. Septum holes can give rise to bleeding, breathing problem, and a blocked nose. 
  • Change in the shape of your nose: Have you noticed a slight change in the shape of your nose? Then you might as well face a problem with your septum. 
  • Sinus infection: The first symptom of sinus infection is a blocked nose which causes difficulty in breathing. It also obstructs the flow of air through the nose, which can lead to bleeding. 

These are some symptoms you should look for before opting for Septoturbinoplasty.



Media Contact

Dr. Muddazir muddu79@gmail.com Aster Hospital Qusais, 9th Street, Al Qusais, Industrial Area-2, Al Qusais First, United Arab Emirates, 119428 https://drmuddazir.ae/
Categories : Health , Medical , Services
Tags : septoturbinoplasty , septoplasty surgery , nose surgery septoplasty , Nose specialist , nose surgeon

Dr. Muddazir

Dr. Muddazir is a renowned ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field. Based in Dubai, he is committed to providing his patients with the highest quality care and personalized treatment plans, using the latest technologies and techniques to achieve optimal results.
Aster Hospital Qusais, 9th Street, Al Qusais, Industrial Area-2, Al Qusais First, United Arab Emirates, 119428
Dubai, Dubai
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