William Bishop's Early Songs Re-Released this Autumn

New York City, New York Oct 6, 2022 (Issuewire.com)  - This October William Bishop's Early Songs are being re-released.

Bishop's early songs are contained in three full length studio albums: Waves on Wire, Oto Recordings, and Deja Vu, are re-released this Autumn. His debut single The Night in Your Eyes was released in January 2021, taken from the album Waves on Wire. The albums deal with the themes of displacement and detachment. The songs have been used to contribute performances to the degree courses at University of New York Department of film, media and television. In 2021 he premiered songs from the album at the Brighton Fringe and Live at Heart music festivals. The albums are now re-released on CD, LP and digital download. Each album features Bishop on guitar and piano.

Bishop has states that the songs are about a relationship 'in the general sense' more about 'what happens between two people' than the specific effects on any individual.'

'I write with the aim to capture the negative space of couples, the incidental details of scenes between two people' and leave the rest up to the listeners imagination.'

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William Bishop *****@gmail.com 07764709388 https://www.williamjohntitusbishop.com https://www.williamjohntitusbishop.com

Source : Sony Music

Categories : Music
Tags : Music , Entertainment
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