10 Most Common Business Card Mistakes You Need to Avoid

15th May, 2023

How to Fix Mistake on Business Card

Your business card should be a tool that will help people remember you and contact you for your product or service. But when your business card is designed poorly, people will get rid of it as soon as you leave the room. The important business information can get lost from them and you may never get a call from a potential client. So here are the top 10 mistakes people made when they are designing their business cards that you need to keep away from.

1. Leaving Important Information Out:

A business card has two different purposes; one is to remind people of your service or business and the other one is to provide contact information to your potential clients so they know where to reach you. So always remember to add vital information like business name, owner name, and phone number, and at the same time, it should clearly state what service the business provides.

2. Not Adding Your Address:

This is a major fault that home-based businesses miss out on. But when your business card is missing an address, it may leave an impression of you being not credible enough or not being established in the industry.

3. Poor Quality:

A poor-quality card implies that the business produces poor-quality services or products. Rather than attracting customers, this type of card with poor quality can make them never contact you again. So make sure you have good paper, fine print that does not smudge in the water, and an attractive logo for your business.

4. Being too ‘Mysterious’:

When someone looks at a business card, it should immediately tell what the business does, who the owner is, where it is located, and where to contact. If your business card does not straight away state these, you might not get as many referrals or potential customers as you have expected.

5. No USP:

Just like co0mpeteiting with millions of other businesses in the market, your business card is often in a similar competition when you distribute it. So your card should tell why you are different from others and what is your ‘USP’ or Unique Selling Proposition.

6. Too Big in Size:

The standard size of a business card is usually 3.5 by 2 inches. These traditional size business cards are made in this particular size so that they can fit into pockets. Anything way bigger than this would fail the purpose.

7. Too Small Print:

A business card in size is short and tiny. Then on top of that, if you use prints that are too small, people will find it difficult to read. A good practice is to use a type size of 7 or 8 points and the company name should be 12 to 15 points.

8. Poor Use of Color:

You can always add some colors to your white card to spice it up, but using too much of it would be a problem. It may look childish and non-professional. Using too many colors that do not complement each other at all might make the card look too busy.

9. No Email Address and Website:

Many people avoid phone calls when it comes to ordering or hiring so they want to have a conversation through emails. On the other hand, people also use websites to know about the business without hearing the sales pitch on the phone calls. If your card does not have an official email address or a business website, you may miss out on these opportunities.

10. No Cluttering:

An appealing business card does not have too much content in it, otherwise, a cluttered card can drive the potential customers away. Keep it clean and add only the necessary information. 

Tags: How to Fix Mistake on Business Card, Business Cards Mistakes