10 Most Effective Online Video Interview Tips to Help You Get Your Dream Job

1st September, 2021

Online Video Interview

The current situation has made it nearly impossible to conduct in-person interviews, therefore, oragnizations around the world have started relying on video interviews. They are time-efficient and effective for both the interviewer and interviewee. However, these online interviews are not much different than in-person interviews. But the other aspects associated with the interview are quite different. Only a good preparation can help you to crack the interview round. Below written are some useful tips that can help you ace the video interview for your dream job:

1. Take preparation like an in-person interview

When a candidate goes for an in-person interview, it generally happens at an office. But with a video, you can do the same from the comfort of your home, which can make you take things lightly.

  • Research the company you are interviewing for, as well as the industry, products or services, and other relevant factors beforehand.
  • Prepare some good questions to ask the interviewer. It shows your confidence and knowledge.

2. Test your equipment

While in an in-person interview you do not have to worry about any technology, in an online one, it is the most important thing. It is better to check if everything is working properly before the interview. You do not want any kind of technological malfunction during the interview. It will make a bad impression on the interviewer.

  • Make sure your internet connection is stable. A weak Wi-Fi connection can disrupt your video conference.
  • Make sure your webcam is working properly. Change its settings if you are not satisfied with its effects.
  • It is necessary to check the speaker and microphone. Your voice needs to be heard clearly.
  • Use a video platform that you are familiarized with if you are given the choice. Otherwise, check out the most used video calling platforms and learn how they work.

3. Choose a quiet environment

The environment matters a lot. Just because your interview is on a video calling platform such as Zoom or Skype, ensure you're as professional as an offline interview. Select a room with good light and no noise in the background. Always keep in mind that the interviewer can hear the slightest of noise as the microphones are extremely sensitive. If you are being interviewed from home, ask your family members to give you complete privacy during the interview hours.

4. Set a minimalistic background

The background may seem like an irrelevant thing in your video interview, but it is quite important. You do not want the interviewer to get distracted by the things around you. It will make them pay less attention to what you are saying. Create a minimalistic background; it will make you look more professional. Some video calling platforms offer different virtual backgrounds to the candidates at the time of the interview. You can choose a professional-looking background from the options.

5. Dress professionally

Always dress formally when you are giving an interview, be it an in-person or online interview. Your recruiter may tell you that there is no dress code for the interview. But the way you dress can make a huge impression on the interviewer. It will also put you in the right mindset.

6. Be punctual

Arriving early is a must in an in-person interview. It is also necessary for video interviews. You are provided a link to the video conference at least a day before the actual meeting. You should enter the meeting at least 10 minutes before the given time and check everything is fine. Make sure the microphone and webcam are functioning properly. If your interviewer has to call you to join the meeting it already makes a bad impression on them.

7. Listen to the interviewer properly

You may not be much used to online video interviews. It can affect your attention span. Make sure you do not get distracted. Put all your focus on the person in front of you and listen to the questions carefully. There could also be some audio delays due to internet issues. Be patient and wait for what they are saying before getting frustrated. Do not interrupt them midway with your questions. Wait a few seconds to answer after they ask you a question. It will help you avoid cutting in.

8. Speak clearly and amiably

The interviewers notice the way you talk and answer your questions. That is why it is necessary to maintain a calm and humble tone with the interviewer. Also speak slowly and clearly, so that your interviewer understands your every word perfectly. Another pro tip is, to be honest with the interviewer. If you do not know the answer to certain questions, it is better to come clean about it. Fumbling with the answer will waste their time and make them see you in a bad light. Just let them know you do not know the answer so that they can move onto the next one.

9. Take notes

Giving interviews is a good way to keep yourself updated about the latest changes in your industry. After you have given the interview, write down the questions that you were asked before you forget. It will help you do better in your next interview. After an online interview, you have the time to write them down as soon as possible, unlike an in-person interview. You can also research the answers to the ones you did not know right after the interview.

10. Do a follow-up

It is extremely necessary to do a follow-up after your online interview. But do not do it right after the interview. The company is probably taking hundreds of interviews. And they have to look for several factors before they hire someone. That is why it could take some time. Don’t be impatient, wait a few days for them to respond. If they don’t reply even after a week, you can reach out to them. You can send a thank-you note to begin with the follow-up.

Tags: Online Video Interview, Virtual Interview, Online Job Interview