10 Most Effective Tips for Your Next Virtual Event Covering

22nd May, 2021

Virtual Event Covering

Virtual events are the new normal in the current scenario. Most in-person events have moved to be virtual in recent years. If you are new to this, you need to follow some simple rules to make your coverage informative and flawless. The format of covering a virtual event is a bit different but most of the basic rules remain the same. Below mentioned are some of the effective tips.

1. Upgrade your communication methods

Covering a virtual event is a lot different than an offline event. There are no physical venues, invitations, or crowds to follow. You need to step up your communication game to know what is going to happen in the event. You must be aware of the right place and time to be online to capture the affair. If you are going to cover a virtual event of a company, make sure to follow them online. By doing so, you will get the right information and also the last minutes updates in case of any changes.

2. Plan your coverage

Before the actual event happens create a roadmap on how you are going to do it. Go through the event updates and strategize the plan. Know it the event will be single or multiple streams. Plan your moves according to it. Put the same amount of emphasis on a virtual event as you would have on an offline one.

Plan your coverage

3. Check your equipment

The online environment is completely different from its offline counterpart. Though you can work remotely, you must have a seamless technological flow to cover it. So check your system, internet connection, and the streaming service or software that you will be using thoroughly before the show starts.

4. Do live coverage

Live covering works best for virtual events. Your target audience would like to get updates every minute. That is why live blogging and tweeting are extremely popular among the online community. Your readers will love some behind-the-scene view that is only possible with live coverage. Make sure your live-stream doesn't clash with the organizers, who might be doing something similar.

5. Explore new things

To keep your readers interested you must do something different from time to time. You can stride away from your usual genre and cover something out of the box to keep people hooked. So, go explore new industries outside your typical routine and cover something totally new and fresh.

Explore new things

6. Use social media

Most companies do virtual events through social media alongside their websites. You should cover it through social media because it will give you an added perspective of the attendees. You can go through their comments to know what they are thinking about the event.

7. Take continuous note

Offline events require you to take notes. You must do it at virtual events too. You can re-watch a virtual event any time you want. But it is necessary to write things down throughout the event. That way you will be able to get the news out before others. You can re-watch one more time to make sure all the information you have noted is correct.

Take continuous note

8. Offer visuals to your readers

Multimedia like images, videos, and infographics always make content more attractive to the readers. In an offline event, it is easy to take photos or videos, but you cannot use these methods in an online one. What you can do is take screenshots on your device and ensure they are of high-quality.

9. Do your research

Make sure to conduct research on the event before you cover it. Knowing about the industry and the brand will help you write an alluring piece that will get your readers hooked. A well-researched content will also help you get an SEO boost and rank you higher in the SERPs.

10. Give your feedback to the organizers

The organizers value the opinion of the reporters as they provide them with media coverage of the event. You should let them know what you would like from them beforehand. You must offer them your opinion on what you liked and what could be improved after the show as well.

Tags: Virtual Event, Virtual Event Covering