6 Different Ways to Practise Self-Care in Quarantine during the Pandemic

27th June, 2021

Self-Care in Quarantine

COVID-19 has suspended our plans and routines and everything that lie in-between. With people staying indoors, the practice of implementing self-care impacts both physical and mental health. According to doctors, self-care is something that should be part of you daily routine. It tremendously helps in managing your overall health and well-being. Especially, during the wave of collective stress and anxiety that each one of us are going though, self-care not only allows physical and mental liberation but also helps you focus on life with a new perspective. The following are some of the ways to manage sleep cycles, activities, physical health, eating habits, stress, and more during the endless hours you are spending quarantined at home.

Make Sleep Your Priority

Sleep is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. We often neglect its significance by staying up late and not sleeping for at least 6-7 hours. A good-quality sleep contributes to your immune system, so, during this pandemic, you must take care of your sleeping habits. It also helps in keeping stress and anxiety in check. If you want your brain to function to its optimum potential you must switch off your smartphone immediately and go to sleep on time.

Understanding Yourself

When was the last time when you actually sat down with yourself deducing the reason for your continuous stress and anxiety? If you feel overwhelmed with emotions and stress, you will also notice physical anomalies such as headaches and vomiting not to mention your growing knack of avoiding people at all times. Place yourself in a setting where there is no distraction. It can be you room, your roof, terrace or any place of tranquillity. Shuffling your emotions and understanding the triggers will help you handle the process with more clarity.

Working Out

Staying active is one of the major components of self-care. It helps in improving overall health, especially your immune system. Regular exercising also elevates mood by releasing endorphins. If you train yourself to do physical activities on a daily basis, you will see a change in your sleeping habit for the better. It will also decrease mood swings and stress. There are many online courses where you can learn something new. Exercising does not have to be hard-core. Just simple skipping, running, or dancing will help you manage your stress a lot better.

Avoid Snacking or Binge Eating

This is a habit that is the hardest to drop especially during a time when we are sitting at home. In fact, many people eat just out of boredom and in the long-run, the effects can be alarming. Self-impose rules on your eating habits. Measuring calories is also a great way to maintain what you are eating. Since you are at home, you can also indulge in cooking and avoid buying processed food from the market. A healthy eating habit is the best way to take care of our mind, soul, and body.

Find Your Way into Mediation

This is not an overnight journey. But if you truly want to the touch the epitome of self-liberation and closure, meditation is the way to go. Reserve some time each day for practicing meditation. People take years to learn the tricks of optimum liberation through the process. But do not worry. You can start today and you will feel the difference within a week. Some people may not believe or understand the power of mediation. But truly is the best gift that you can give yourself without spending any money. The results are unbelievable.

Music is the Answer

The healing power of music has been proven time and again. Even if you are not a music fanatic per say, you must experience the healing and transcendental power of music. As an individual, you must have a preference with the type of music you listen to. Turn it on at any time of the day and you will feel a sense of calmness and tranquillity in the melodies and rhythms.

In the fast pace of our lives, we often forget to prioritize our own selves. It is high time that we stop working for a while and give our mind, body, and soul the best ingredients to pave a path towards the direction of a stress-free and liberated life.

Tags: Self-Care in Quarantine, Managing Health during the Pandemic