Apply Powerful Social Media Hacks to Get More Recognition

30th June, 2021

Social Media

Managing a social media page is no easy task. Forget about the part that you need to ensure that your social marketing strategies are working in a meaningful manner. One of the most tiresome issues that you’ll have to deal with is finding out an effective approach to manage the tough thing! Wondering how difficult can it get to manage a social media platform? Well, much more than you think.

However, it is important to learn the most valuable and smart marketing social media hacks that you can start using right away! 

But what comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘hack’?

No! It’s not a short-term fix because the world of social media doesn’t work out that way. But it surely maximizes the effectiveness of your marketing strategies and helps you get the best out of your luck!

While some of the hacks are laser-focused, some are going to change your perspective towards social marketing campaigns. It is certain that every hack is going to help you establish your brand presence.

With that in mind, let’s find out the best Social Media hacks so that you can start dominating the platform of your choice today:

1. Yes to ‘Share for Share’

For years, you must have noticed bloggers and influencers using the follow-for-follow trend. This started as a quick way to raise awareness on the social media pages.

Which, however, makes sense but till when?

When you stop and think, the followers unfollow after their work gets done on Facebook and Instagram. So, it’s time that you start seeking people who are genuinely interested in your business.

The trend of follow for follow has become saturated now and the market needs a new solution.

Simple, use Share for Share!

You can never deny the incredible reach of social media. No matter if you’re a small business owner or a big giant; you can always reach out to other pages and offer them a deal.

In turn, if they promise to share your content, you’ll do the same.

2. Say no to One-Track Content

Not to sound rude, but the ongoing trend has left many with the feeling that the social world is going through an epidemic of boring, one-track content. But aren’t you’ll better than that? The power of good content can never be diminished. The content could be entertaining, inspirational, educational, focuses on solving a problem, or whatever.

The trick is to present the content uniquely. Content is meant to be consumed and consumers get bored with the same old nagging stuff. Starts thinking that how can you pack more value into the content. So, instead of dazzling it with fancy words, feed value to it. It’s important to create content with different layers to engage the audience. Photos, graphics, or screenshots not just attract attention but adds depth to the content.

3. Pay Attention

How many times have you received a wrong product, took to Twitter, and raised a complaint tagging the brand? Quite a several times, isn’t it?

When a customer raises a complaint, they expect companies to acknowledge and revert. Simple!

Instead of erasing the complaint, get back to the issue. The problem arises when big brands and companies don’t apologize. No matter the issue is serious, funny, scientific, or whatever, always respond in your brand voice.

Companies are bound to make mistakes but the worthy ones pay attention to their customer’s grievances and fix them.

4. Stop Selling!

Social media is great when you use it for personal issues and not to sell products. Consumers these days are smart and can easily recognize your intention. This means the moment you start pitching them about your products and services, expect them to switch off. Yes! The internet is loaded with options. So, the only thing you could do without going overboard is to just narrate your story. That’s it!

A customer loves to be in charge. So, let them make the decision and simply believe in the power of your content. Use social media platforms for spreading information and not for marketing purposes.

5. Consistency

An average business owner can find it difficult to create unique content regularly. In that case, hire a professional to handle the needs. To establish your brand as an online authority, you must push out plenty of high-quality content at regular intervals. Well, the key is to always create content that is relatable to the audience. Moreover, if you have any previous content, feel free to recycle it.

Moreover, reposting your old content will ensure that it doesn’t get stale and also increase the chances of it being seen by the entire audience group.

6. Be you!

The world and especially the online world are spammed with duplicate content. So, in such a scenario the only thing that is going to drive your forward is your authenticity.

The customers long for businesses that remain true to themselves and the community. Therefore, instead of showering the audiences with all flowery words remain true to your intentions. This is what clicks!

7. Be Grateful

One of the least acknowledged things in the marketing world is gratefulness. A company is no good without loyal customers. Therefore, ensure that you regularly thank your customers and partners in the social media posts. It may not be a very big deal for you, but for a customer, it means a lot! Reports have it that those customers who receive a short token of gratefulness from a company tend to remain as their loyal customers forever.

After all, it’s all in the small gestures, isn’t it?

Tags: Social Media Hacks, Social Media, Marketing, Business