By Following These 6 Things One Can Improve their Critical Thinking Ability

3rd January, 2022

Critical Thinking

In the professional and personal life, a critical thinking ability always helps to understand a particular matter, gives clarity of thoughts, and impacts on decision making. In other words, no matter what one does, if he expects utmost performance from himself, he needs to acquire a flow state while working; for that matter, he has to improve his critical thinking ability.

What is a Flow state?

A flow state is a zone in which a person gets so much into his work that he forgets about his self-existence. One can achieve the state through critical thinking to accomplish his targets effortlessly. And this is the reason why psychologists call it an “optimal experience”.  

If someone has any doubt about his/her critical thinking ability, these are the following things they can follow to make it work at its best-

1. Know the Priorities

The first step of critical thinking is to know what one’s foremost priority is. Rank priorities according to their importance. After one ranks them in order, pick the most important one and be carefree about the others. In that way, a person would be able to acquire a flow state and take the right decision in his life

2. Think from different perspectives

Humans often tend to make one basic mistake. They think from only their own perspective. Remember, the same coin has two different sides. Likewise, a thing can be perceived in several ways and can have different solutions too. It’s always helpful for people to think and judge a matter from different perspectives so that one can come up with a fruitful outcome of a matter.

3. Try to analyze the probable Outcomes

Well, it is quite difficult to predict the result at the beginning of the work. However, one still has to analyze the pros and cons of the work. By doing this one can get the clarity and make a path to follow. A manager needs to have the ability to predict the probable outcomes of a particular task so that he/she can motivate his/her team members to the goal.

4. Consistent learning

Human minds earn knowledge from learning. Knowledge gives clarity and clarity gives confidence. Consequently, confidence boosts productivity. So, it is very important that one never gives up learning and gaining knowledge. One’s ability to judge is majorly determined by his deep understanding of things that come from the quality of his learning. Reading books about how the mind works and books on human emotions will help a person know the human mind better.

5. Fragmenting of the target

Every big accomplishment undertakes a journey through a series of little successes. So, as a leader, whether of his/her life or an organization, one needs to have a big goal. However, he should always be able to fragment the goal into a few parts. So, that he can remove the baggage of the bigger picture, and work upon the little things in detail.

6. Don’t Overthink

Overthinking and self-doubt both are enemies of the mind. It destroys the ability to think critically. It is often confusing to judge thought to be valid thinking or overthinking. Only the right understanding of the matter completely and keeping it simple can get a person to the actual solution.

Humans are always given multiple choices. Although one may not have realized yet, every moment he/she is making some decisions. From waking up in the morning to going to bed at night: all are the consequences of one’s ability of decision making at each second. So, if one doesn’t work on it, one may never be able to explore how efficiently and sensibly one can handle a situation.

Tags: Critical Thinking, Decision Making Ability