Disengagement Hurts Productivity: The Cost You Pay for Low Employee Engagement

26th April, 2023

Effects of Low Employee Engagement

Lesser engagement amongst the employees of your company can be extremely harmful to your business. It will slowly but steadily drains out the energy and passion that your personnel possesses at the time of joining the company. It hampers creativity, productivity, and overall growth of the company. If you are witnessing the same then you need to take quick action. But before everything you need to know what Employee Disengagement is.

Low employee engagement means that your employees don’t feel connected with the work they do. Or they are not completely and emotionally attached and invested in the work they are assigned with. This means that they are not likely to stay with their organization for a long time. Here are some indicators that show low engagement:

  • Low self-confidence levels.
  • Declining motivation and employee satisfaction.
  • Increased malingering and revenue.

With these problems, you need to opt for a tactical approach to this problem and do the necessary planning and management support. Achieving a successful engagement program can be difficult but it can only be attained if you have a mutual understanding with your employees. But at the end of the day, leaders or the hierarchy needs to take some serious decisions and actions, to make their company work.

Reasons behind Low Employee Engagement:

Every living species knows how to earn food to sustain their livelihood. Human being the most complicated and cruel species has polluted the way to earning livelihood by introducing finance and politics to their living culture. And the rest of us have to follow their lead. It can be possible that your company has many employees who think this way. But there can be more to this which is causing employee disengagement, those possible reasons are:

  1. Poor leadership qualities from the hierarchy.
  2. Lack of Growth and Opportunities for the employees.
  3. Unfair Compensations and Benefits and partial judgments.
  4. Inadequate Scopes of Communication between the leadership and the employees.
  5. Toxic Workplace Culture, the above-mentioned points create a toxic working environment.
  6. Poor Work-Life Balance, switching your brain from work is important for performing better the next day.
  7. Overall Well-being of Employees can be hampered if they are not feeling well maintained from time to time.

These are the probable cause behind employee disengagement and if you don’t start working on then you will experience grave outcomes as well. And these results are:

  • Poor performance.
  • Lesser productivity.
  • High turnover rates.
  • Increased absenteeism.
  • Negative Impact on Customers.
  • Hampered brand image.

But these outcomes can also be avoided if you act on time and put some effort to make your company more engaging for your employees. And here are some tips that might work for your company and you can also overcome your low employee engagement.

  1. Recognize and reward your employees regularly.
  2. Take regular feedback from your employees and act on them.
  3. Avoid partiality and focus on fair compensations and benefits for the employees.
  4. Increase the accountability of every employee.
  5. Foster a better and more positive work culture.
  6. Vouch for diversity and practice inclusion.
  7. Know the importance of leadership training.
  8. Create a sense of purpose amongst your employees.
  9. Keep transparent communication with your employees.

Running a company can be hard but with properly measured steps you can build better engagement at your workplace and the rest can be left with your employees who will gain interest if you have succeeded to make them feel included. The well-being of the company depends on its employees as they are the sailors of this ship. But, for better results, you need to make sure that you are working on your part and offering your employees the scope to grow and thrive.

Tags: What is Low Employee Engagement, Effects of Low Employee Engagement, Low Employee Engagement Reasons