Follow Seven Ways to Turn Heads with Your Press Releases

7th January, 2021

Press Releases

The press release is one of the vital tools for business and marketing through the digital platform. It helps to gather attention from the media and target audience. The attention is directly proportional to the company or business’s exposure. With this tool increasing popularity has become easier.

Since Press release has huge importance in the progress of a business in marketing, it should be done with utmost care. Here are seven ways to turn heads with the help of a press release.


Compelling Story Angle

The angle of the story is often referred to as the ‘hook’ which engages the readers. The hook needs to relatable and relevant to the audience. Even if written on the same topic, the angle adds a perspective to the content. The least obvious point of view is the most compelling one.

For example, if an online retailer announces an impressive earning of the company, no one feels interested other than the investors. It is perhaps good for your company but not for promotion or marketing.

To lure the target audience the content should be written from the perspective of a buyer or customer. The customer is more likely to know about the benefits that the company is offering rather than the reason behind the offer.

Compelling Story Angle

Eye-Catching Headline

The headline is the first thing that everyone sees whether that’s an investor, customer, or even competitor. Make sure to write a header that piques the interest. Make it clear, simple, and something that briefs the whole content or at least the most exciting part. The best thing would be to write the headline at the end when you can make an overall idea.

Eye-Catching Headline

Narrate a Story

Everyone likes to read or hear a good story, especially when there is a happy ending. This idea can be utilized while writing a press release.

Tell the customers an engaging story of how other customers got benefitted from your brand, product, or service. Or you can tell them how the idea came into your mind behind making this business or product. You can also narrate a story of your employees who helped a customer greatly.

It is up to you how you want to weave the story to put a better impact.

Narrate a Story

Easy to Share Press Release

The press release is a part of the print media though initially, it was published through digital media platforms. With the increasing marketing strategies, social is getting involved in the process too. Online distributed content can be shared or forwarded easily through social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

The distribution service should include social sharing options in each PR to make it easily sharable. A simple button makes it very easy for users to share with their friends, family, or known people. With every successful share, the content gains more visibility.

Easy to Share Press Release

Include Tweet-worthy Nuggets

Talking about social media, another simple tactic can be used to utilize the platform. Make your content more attention-grabbing with small Tweet-worthy elements. Craft a headline that perfectly captures the message of your content or add post-worthy quotes. Make sure it is under 100 words so that readers might Tweet or include a link to the post.

Include Tweet-worthy Nuggets

Add a Picture

In modern days, press releases are not limited to only text anymore. Multimedia releases include images, videos, social sharing buttons, and many other options to make your content more attractive and informative.

Pictures take very little time to get absorbed as it takes just a glance other than reading or watching content. The instant impact stays longer than it seems.

The pictures can be of anything whether it’s your image, brand image, or something about the company’s success. Make sure it’s compelling and relevant enough to support your content. Modern paid PR services allow up to 4 files to upload.

Add a Picture

Get Creative with Links

The links help to guide the users to the platform you want to take them exclusively. Adding links to the PR to navigate the users to the landing page or website can improve visibility.

You can even mention some famous name or link to some industrial leader to grab the readers’ eyes. The links can work as a support to your call-to-action. Add the hyperlinks creatively to draw the attention.

These are the most effective tips and tactics that will help to garner attention more organically.

Get Creative with Links

Tags: Press Releases