Food Photography: Creating Visual Pleasure of Mouth-watering Goodness

21st April, 2023

Food Photography Tricks

There is nothing more exciting than looking through a food journal, a social media page about food, or a restaurant's website and finding an appetizing shot. Food Photography is not just for food lovers but is also important for the livelihood of various businesses related to lifestyle.

Think of a bad picture of a sandwich, doesn’t it feel boring or unappetizing? So, will you buy from that brand? Questionable, right? Therefore, if you own a business related to food, having a good sense of food photography is required to stand out in the market. However, you don’t need to hire a professional food photographer or buy critical equipment for the purpose. Here are some basic tips that can help you create a brand image with basic photographic skills.

1. Arrangement of Food

In the industry, it is known as ‘plating’ which is the key part of creating a good impression in the market. Plating is the base of creating an aesthetic for any particular. Here’s how you can do it,

  • Make your food the main element of the photo by adding more room to it. It draws the attention of the viewers to the prize.
  • Think like an artist and do not be afraid to experiment with the garnish. Whether it is a line of sauce or raw herbs on the topping with edible flowers; make sure to make it appear pretty without making it extra.
  • Make the plating based on the type and nature of the meal. It just needs to be colorful and naturally appealing.

2. Choose the Perfect Background

Opting for the right background can be a game changer for food photography as it adds that subtle layer of creative essence that makes your food look even better. Creating a visual feast is a work of art and it has no limit to it. Just like you can use whole vegetables and flowers, you can also use fabric or a ceramic bowl to add that sense of fulfillment to the photo. Home décor elements can be very useful in this case.

3. Add Texture with Lighting

Lighting is an important element for any kind of photography and food photography is no exception. You can use either natural light or artificial light or both based on the need for texture in your food. Here are some tips that you can utilize,

  • Avoid harsh light that overwhelms the picture.
  • Use reflection and tint rather than direct light.
  • Find a well-lit room or take photos outside.

4. Try Out Different Frames

When it comes to food photography, most people prefer to take photos from the top to provide a bird’s eye view. While it works for many dishes, it is certainly not the right way for every kind of meal. Think of a Burger. Would it look good from the top or do you want a side view? Based on the nature of your food, you should experiment with different angles to figure out the most appealing one.

5. Retouch the Pictures Before Posting

Retouching or editing your picture is what helps to get the final results with accuracy and perfection. Here are some general tips to keep in mind.

  • Use a warmer white balance to make it look more appetizing.
  • Utilize contrast to churn out more detail.
  • Keep the saturation right where it appears naturally bright.

The key to editing your pictures is making them look more real and not artificial.

Now, that you are aware of the basic tips; it is time for you to go out and take some mouth-watering pictures of your food!

Tags: Food Photography Tricks, Food Photography Setup