Gear Up Your Business with the Latest Budget-Friendly Summer Promotion Ideas

17th April, 2020

Budget-Friendly Summer Promotion Ideas

Summertime comes with lots of adventure and a good mood for shopping. It’s a great scope to bring business to the next level using some pocket-friendly and creative plans to promote your products. Well, you need to think about some eye-grabbing plans for the summer sales, as many people keep themselves busy with summer trips, or prefer to enjoy by the beach or surfing on the freshwaters. That might be pulling the sales down for the season. 

You need some cool ideas that will help you to run a good business meanwhile letting you have some of the usual fun during the summer. So, here is a list of ideas that you can run the marathon with, to smartly start marketing for your summer sales. 


·       Have a Peppery-Hot Menu for a Parking Lot Picnic:

This idea will work best for brick and mortar shops and service providers like attorneys, realtors and insurance agents. It is a cordial promotional act that starts with some deliciously smelling grilled meat and saucy hamburgers on the plate for the customers. This will surge many hungry customers into your store. While your customers enjoy the tasty food, don’t forget to be chatty about your products and amazing summer offers. Maneuver them to pull out their wallets and buy some of your products after a light-hearted conversation and a loaded plate of grilled items. 

But who will invite them to this little picnic of yours? You can simply send out a press release with proper details and date, post it on your company website. You can try to bring the hand-outs too as a tool of marketing for your summer sales. Do not forget to use social media to spread the news that you will be hosting a small grub picnic at your stores for the customers. Surely this will make many passers stop by at your counter. 


·       Do Something Special for the Special Day:

The Fourth of July has different meanings to different people. Show your 4th July spirit in your summer business. Make it special on your own terms. For a child, it is all about dramatic firework shows across the country sky, for a patriot, it’s the time to celebrate the independence from the shackle of British rulers. If you are enjoying your summer vacation, then you will prefer to hit the beaches and surf all day. The thing is this day gives you enough opportunity to generate buzz for your business.

You can use U.S. flags to decorate the entrance at your store and play patriotic songs all day. You can provide the special 4th July BBQ to your customers to create a buzz about your store. Encourage the people to enjoy the ‘Independence Day Sales’ on the fourth of July. 


·       Get the Focus on Beach-Related Products:

Isn’t summer is the perfect time to get tanned in the sun? A lot of folks enjoy spending time in the sand during summer. You can use this to increase your product sales. Plan to give away beach-related products like bathing suits or flip-flops to anyone who purchases products above $20 in your store. Offer them a tube of SPF sunscreen free for a particular amount of purchase. These summer-themed giveaways will double your sales. 


·       Use Each Week to Highlight a New Product:

You can always host a ‘“Product Of The Week” Sale, no matter which season is on. Well, you can use the same old tactic in the summer season to heat up the business. Crown one product each week to keep the buzz alive. It does not have to be a summer product but bind it in a way in your promotion that people fall for it. suppose you run a store for pet care and you obviously want to increase your sales this time around the year. Dog chains or high-end organic treats are basic needs but you can put this out to the people showing, summer makes the dogs happy as they get to be out of the house, play in the park. To walk your dog, you need dog chains and to keep their energy level up, treat them with a variety of organic products. Don’t forget to feature a different product every week. 


·       Inform the Customers:

Whatever your summer promotion strategies are, you must spread the word beforehand. Inform your potential customers about the exclusive offers or the cost-effective new products available at your store. Post press release with the changes to target your audience. Use effective online methods and social media to get the word out. 


·       Lower the Prices to Increase the Heat in Your Store:

Let the temperature rise in the summer, not the price of your products. Use phrases like “beat the heat with these offers” or “cool off offers” for the customers. Fill your websites with pop-up discount offers to garner attention. 


·       Be Creative at the Sidewalk Chalk:

You may think sidewalk chalk is best for the kids only, but you can beat your competitors in the business with the art of sidewalk chalk. Yes, you need to be creative and you can catch up the summer spirit by being out. You can elaborate on the things you want the passers to know about your store and spread the news of new events occurring at your store. You can hire a chalk artist for this job.

We have presented you with all the easy-peasy ideas on a silver plate to make your work easy. Building trust and respect from the clients is what will keep your business running in every season. You can try all or just one idea but make sure you don’t miss the summer vibes.

Tags: Budget Friendly Summer Promotion Ideas, Low Cost Marketing Tips, Basic Marketing Strategies