How Can You Craft the Perfect Customer Feedback Report?

9th January, 2024

How to Write the Customer Feedback Report?

A customer feedback report is a document containing a summary and analysis of customer opinions, comments, and feedback. In this report, you will be able to gain insights into a company's products and services along with the overall customer experience. According to a Salesforce study, around 65% of customers expect companies and their services to adapt to the consumers' needs and preferences. So when you make a customer feedback report, it gives you valuable statistics that you can further use to retain your consumers.

You can write the perfect customer feedback report by following three simple steps. The foundation of the report lies in data collection that starts with an introduction. Then comes the core of the report where you present the bulk of what you have found. The last step is about the analysis that tells you about actionable insights. But how can you make this process perfect? Let's find out.

Step 1: Defining Objectives

The first major thing that you need to do is establish clear objectives for your customer feedback report. What are you looking for? Are you searching to figure out the impact of the recent changes and updates? Or are you looking for the overall satisfaction of your consumers? For example, a restaurant that is looking for the impact of recent renovations would make a customer feedback report containing questions about the changes that have been made to the decoration.

Step 2: Describing the Data Collection Process

There are different ways to gather data for the feedback report. So in there, you need to mention which of the methods you have used along with the details of your sample. If you have created and used surveys of customer satisfaction, mention how they were given to the customers, whether you have used email, phone, in-app, or in-person. On top of that, specify how many customers have participated in the survey, when you send out the surveys, and whether it was directed at a particular segment of your customers.

Step 3: Organizing and Analyzing the Data

Now it is time for the critical analysis phase where you have to identify patterns, insights, and trends using the data that you have collected. Often this data would be vast which makes it far more difficult to process. You can always do it manually, but it will take you a lot of time, and the porches would be hectic. So you can get help from AI technology that now makes it possible to analyze huge amounts of data accurately and quickly.

Step 4: Presenting the Key Metrics and Visualizing

The data points and key metrics will be the heart of your customer feedback report. Here you can consider Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), Net Promoter Score® (NPS), and Customer Effort Score (CES) to figure out the overall satisfaction and sentiment of your customers. While raw numbers of the data are undoubtedly helpful, visualizing the insights will be more helpful in driving the results. This is why analytics say that a good report should be visually descriptive. For this, you can add graphics, infographics, charts, etc. where it is necessary.

Step 5: Highlighting Customer Sayings

If you want to add emotional resonance and authenticity to your report, make sure to add direct customer quotes. This will help you humanize the data and at the same time, will help the readers connect with the customer experiences on a personal level.

Step 6: Obtaining Actionable Insights

Your aim should be to make the report as actionable and as valuable as possible. The report should not just represent the data that you have collected, but, most importantly, should be a valuable tool for other teams to work to improve the service or the product. So set attainable goals.

Follow these steps to make the perfect customer feedback report and share it with other teams and stakeholders once you are done with it.

Tags: How to Write the Customer Feedback Report, How do You Write a Feedback Report Format, How do You Write Feedback Step by Step