Know-how to Send Your Press Release to the Right People

8th February, 2021


American journalist Louise Harris said, “Publicity is effective only when it hits the right target”. For obvious reasons, if a press release is seen by the wrong audience, it is more likely to get less publicity than it is expected to do. Therefore, the platforms where you send your press releases should be relevant enough. The entrepreneurs should have an idea to know whether they are sending the press releases to the right people or not.

Publicity is important for business owners and digital marketers. Sending the press release to the wrong platforms or people will not generate any story, customers, or even revenues. But sending it to the right people can let people know about the company’s innovative activities. Here are some tips to know whether you are sending it to the right people or not.


What They Write About

You should look for stories, magazines, or articles by reporters on similar vertical or industry. This will instantly provide you an idea of what kind of publication you want for your service. If the reporter writes similar to your innovation or product, he is more likely to receive your press release since he understands it well. The publication will pay attention to what you have said in the press release and provide a good amount of attention. If a reporter’s story does not talk about the service or product that you or your company produce, the best thing is to avoid him. Even if the publication is in a similar industry but not exactly your type of innovation, avoid it too. Carrying the same approach to television and radio will also allow you to filter through and find the most relevant platform or person. To have an idea of it, you can start listening to the podcasts or radio channels that talk about your industry.

What They Write About



Entrepreneurs spend a good amount of time researching through publications, digital platforms, radio, and television to ensure the relevant area for sending PR. The process might be a little time consuming but a convenient way to find out niche platforms. It is also budget-friendly since research takes nothing but time and basic internet. You can restrict your research process to the local area in order to make it more accurate and less time-consuming.



Distribution Service

Availing of a distribution service provides you the confidence that your press release will be sent to the right people and platform. Usually, the distribution sites do the research for you and send it to niche media and news platforms to gather attention from the media and journalists as well as the target audience. You can choose a relevant industry for your product. The rest of the work will be done by the distribution website. They also pick the right kind of people and target audiences nationally and internationally to create a buzz around the world. Hiring distribution service is safe and good to go.

Distribution Service



You can try to build a relationship with the journalists for your local distribution. With this strategy, they will be willing to read your press release and guide you for the distribution. Even if they are not the right people to send the PR, they can definitely suggest some right people perform the task smoothly. So building relations with the journalists could the game-changer in this case.



Open Rate

The rate of opening the e-mail through which the entrepreneurs have sent their press releases could decide whether it is sent to the right people or not. If most of the publications open the e-mail and read the attachment, it is more likely to be the correct list to send the content. The more they open the emails, the more you get to know about the interested people. Every time when someone opens your e-mail, the more they get to know about your company or product or business. But keeping a track of the open rate can be a little difficult. Distribution services can help you with that and make things easier for you. 

Open Rate

Getting publicity is very much important for brand awareness and to find potential customers. If you send your PR to the right people, you are more likely to get the essential publicity that you are seeking. 

Tags: Publicity, Press Release, Business, Digital Marketing