Pro-Tips on How to Write Real Estate Press Release in 2020

6th January, 2020

Press Release Format, Example, & Template

Even in the age of new media, press releases adapt to help companies get valuable publicity for spreading their message. The primary work of a press release is to quickly spread the information that will thereby bring a significant impact to the company. Press releases when used as a part of any real estate marketing plan can work wonders for the benefit of the company. Not only is it a great way to promote the business in the online media but also to a large group of people.

Write Real Estate Press Release

But not many professionals have a clear idea of how to write real estate press releases effectively. It is a vast discipline on which any organization’s reputation depends on. Therefore to ensure that your real estate company will be featured in the news, follow the simple guidelines that outline the essential components and make the process easier.


Single Page:

One of the most primary concerns that most professionals tend to overlook is the one-page strategy. Most people think that the more they write, the better the chances of being picked up. But this isn’t the case. A real estate press release should be short and on point, detailing the core of your proposal or business, that makes them effective.



When it comes to real estate, remember that your headline can break or make the deal for you. Always put up your significant achievement or your newsworthy angle on the headline. It should be catchy and memorable such that any viewer gets hooked to your news almost instantly.



By sending out press releases regularly, you can easily earn the trust of the potential viewers. The more they see you dominate the news media; they will consider you as more credible. If you are a realtor whose name is often in the news, people generally remember you.



Realtors are often hesitant to spend a surplus amount for any form of advertisement before a sale. As they already invest quite an amount beforehand, a press release comes as a low cost and highly effective way to get their name out and to quickly connect with the potential clients.


Correct Format:

As said that a press release should be relatively short, but following a proper format to write your content is imperative. A writing style guide with very specific rules will help your business stand out from the rest.

Tags: How to write real estate press release, Pro-Tips for Write Real Estate Press Release, Press Release Format, Example, & Template