Top 10 Unique Ideas for Social Media Posts that can Stir the Fans

10th January, 2022

Ideas for Social Media Posts

Nowadays social media plays a vital role in every human’s life as well as in the market of content creation. While social media posts can influence online users a lot, you still need to churn out some creative juices to create a buzzing impact. Here are 10 amazing ideas to create an exceptional social media post that can stir everyone.

1. Give credits to your fans

The fans and followers love to get featured as they feel special among the horde of followers. Interact with them retweet their tweets or mention them in your posts to make them feel special. You can also mention a bunch of fans together by putting them in the ‘Hall of Fame’ of loyal fans. Who knows, this might turn into a trend too!

2. Make your own trend

There are many trends going around in the social media platforms to which most users react or interact and the activity keeps going on. You can either utilize the modern social trends or can create your trend and post it on social media. You will see your fans are enjoying it too with further shares. Don’t forget to name the trend with a hashtag as it makes the post more visible.

3. Share BTS

The audience loves good-quality finished videos and other entertaining content. But do you know what they love more? It is Behind the Scenes. You can always post behind-the-scenes content to let fans know how everything is actually done. It could be even a happy video of you and your team working together.

4. Create anticipation

If you have new content in mind, don’t refrain to express it. Even if it takes a lot of time to finish the project, you can post about it to create some anticipation among your fans that are eagerly waiting for it. Remember, graphical impact and visual impressions stay with a longer impact. So don’t forget to include video, GIF, or infographic images.

5. Giveaways

Giveaways are similar to contests but it is way simpler and the fans do not have to answer a question or perform any complex tasks. You can simply ask them to comment and share and gift them giveaways as appreciation. This will make your fans happy and they will create a positive impre4ssion of you among other fans.

6. Audience Poll

There is a poll feature on Instagram and Twitter and that allows knowing what your audience thinks without even putting in a lot of effort. It is also a fun way to keep them engaged.

7. Share Milestones

Did you recently hit 1 million views or 10K likes? Share the milestone instantly with your fans to celebrate the success with them. Thank them and appreciate them for their effort.

8. Inspirational content or Quotes

Social media posts do not have to entertain always as they can be motivational or educational also. If you are out of ideas, you can always post inspiration quotes or content that you like or have inspired yourself. You can also share some personal events inspiration that fans would definitely like to know.

9. AMA sessions

AMA or ‘Ask Me Anything’ sessions are the favorites of the fans as it lets them interact with the creator directly. You can come live through Facebook or IGTV and answer the queries of your fans.

10. Invite guest influencers

When you are unable to do it all your own, you can always invite a guest influencer to create more traffic more your social profiles. Influencers are capable of generating more buzz than anyone else.

Utilize the aforementioned tips to create more buzz among your fans and create awesome social media content that everyone likes. 

Tags: Ideas for Social Media Posts