Top 5 Reasons to Include Videos to Your Squeeze Page

25th May, 2021

Videos to Your Squeeze Page

Squeeze pages or landing pages help businesses create a first impression before the visitors. Many visitors may turn into leads if a squeeze page is captivating enough. But to achieve the goal, one must optimize the squeeze page to prevent losing visitors. A visitor must be engaged with the content to convert it into a customer. Videos on a landing page improve the quality of content. It is a good way to attract the audience to your business.

Videos are captivating

If you aim to drive conversation rates, you must give your audience engaging content. One of the most effective ways to spark one’s interest in your brand is by sharing a video on your landing page. If a visitor notices the video first, there is a greater chance of showing interest in your business. A video also helps in increasing the time that each visitor spends on the page. According to surveys, visitors spend as much as 105% more time on a page that has a video. This means that the more a visitor spends time on your landing page, the more they are getting drawn to the business. For your visitors to notice the video, you must place it somewhere that can be easily spotted. The design of the page should be such that the video highlights above the other lesser important components on the page.

Visual Content vs. Reading

In today’s world of digital advantages, people are more interested in watching video content rather than reading a long description about the brand. In fact, statistics say that more than 79% of consumers prefer watching a video. Also, with this dynamic lifestyle that we all have, a video is more convenient. Reading requires not only attention but also more time. Written content is not visually captivating as opposed to a video. People also relate more to a video that impacts their purchasing choices.

Creating an Emotional Connection

Continuing from the previous point, people do relate to videos more than written content. Videos are more capable of creating an emotional connection with the audience. Thus, through videos, you can successfully push your brand. The use of other multimedia in the video such as animation, music, etc., is also effective. An emotional story impacts customer tendencies immensely. While creating a video for your landing page, keep in mind the following:

  • Keep in mind the brand’s story along with product offers
  • Your videos must evoke certain emotions among audiences that lead to a purchase
  • Music is an important element when it comes to stirring emotions or feelings
  • Do alpha and beta testing on the same video with a different song to check which scores better

There are various strategies that can be followed. However, marketers and designers must also learn about the market and ongoing trends to understand mass emotions. It is very important in marketing to set a note of human touch to gain the trust of the potential audience stream.

Better Explanation

Videos can be great information guides. Especially, brand selling products or services that are complex can easily reach out to the audience with their message and idea through a video. Also, after buying a product, one can use these videos are manuals or guides. A video demonstration is much more fluent and communicative as opposed to text. A video can also deliver a lot of other important components that texts cannot do. About 62% of all businesses have a video on their landing page. Out of them, 97% have said that a video helps in better user understanding of the business or product.

Better Results

Content marketing is a huge area and brands chose to opt for different ways to generate publicity. The first thing that comes to mind when speaking of content is the text through blogs, news, etc. But with time and dynamic curves constantly evolving, texts become obsolete. In the competition, many brands go for images that influence audiences to turn into customers. No matter what you use to present your business ideas, nothing can beat the power of an engaging video. If you still do not believe us, the following is a list of various statistics that have led to increased sales with the use of promotional videos:

  • Many businesses have used video promotion in their strategy. Out of them, about 77% are of the opinion that including a video in their promotional strategy have directly and positively contributed to the growth of business
  • Sales conversion rates are the maximum with videos. A surprising 84% of all visitors can potentially turn into customers by purchasing the brand’s product by getting convinced by a video
  • Explainer videos are also crucial. 81% of businesses who use explainer videos in their squeeze pages have said that the video helps them directly in increasing sales
  • Having just a landing page can increase rates of conversion by 80%
  • Businesses using promotional or explainer videos gain revenue about 49% faster than businesses that do not use videos


Always have a landing page for your business website. This will help you capture potential leads and increase growth. A video will prevent your visitors from bouncing, keep them engaged with your content, and also influence them to buy from you.

Remember the following points:

  • Videos help in engaging the visitor and hold their attention
  • Most people opt to watch a video than read about it
  • Video is a point of emotional connection between the business and the audience
  • Videos are super effective if you want to explain your business goals or products to your visitors
  • It is guaranteed that your business will get better results if you use videos instead of text images

The above reasons and more collectively allow a business to engage visitors for a long. Create your landing page and design it as per your goals. Use the above-mentioned tips to come up with exciting video ideas. Your business will get the right promotional support before embarking on a journey of global success.

Tags: Videos to Your Squeeze Page, Videos, Squeeze pages, Landing pages