Ways You Can Improve Your Emotional Intelligence and Benefit from it at the Workplace

27th April, 2023

Importance of Emotional Intelligence at Workplace

Emotional intelligence is one of the strongest traits in leaders and is the ability to recognize their emotions along with the emotions of other people around them. When a person becomes emotionally intelligent, it becomes easier to analyze, and control their thoughts. Emotional intelligence also impacts interpersonal communication and the ability to make proper decisions, which is why it is required in the workplace. Employees who achieve better emotional intelligence can create various advantages in their careers and grow them to an extent that will bring benefits to the business as well.

But how does emotional intelligence actually play an important role in the workplace? Let’s look into that.

  1. Being emotionally intelligent will help employees work toward the organizational goal despite any challenges.
  2. The employees will have a positive outlook on any job and responsibility.
  3. Healthy communication skills will be created that will increase team bonding and productivity.
  4. Emotionally intelligent employees will settle for changes faster than others.
  5. Employees will have empathy; therefore their problem-solving skills will be better.
  6. Employees with high emotional intelligence will develop their skills and become leaders.
  7. They can easily comprehend their own emotions along with their co-workers’ which means there will be less conflict.

Now that the benefits of having high emotional intelligence at the workplace are clear, let’s see how can you improve.

     ● Self-awareness:

Self-awareness is the first step toward improving your emotional intelligence as an emotionally intelligent person is comfortable and content with their own feelings and emotions. It is easier for them to understand how their actions can impact others in the workplace and accepting that fact will help them overcome it. You can start journaling where you can jot down your thoughts and feelings and it will help you improve your emotional intelligence. You can also take on self-reflection that will help you identify your feelings in a better and faster way.

     ● Motivation:

According to Daniel Goleman, the primary researcher, and theorist of emotional intelligence, motivation does not solely come from money or other material benefits; even if it does, it is not desirable. You need to take a genuine interest in what you do, and only that can motivate you to become an emotionally intelligent person. You need to start by finding your purpose and then relate it to where you currently stand. It will present a clear picture of what you should be doing and work as a great motivator.

     ● Self-regulation:

To regulate and manage your feelings and emotions at the workplace, you need to think before you act without prudence or rashly and harm your relationships with your coworkers. You need to start recognizing your ideals and get a hold of where you will absolutely not compromise. You also need to start holding yourself accountable for your mistakes rather than blaming them on others. Lastly, start practicing mindfulness before you act on negative emotions.

     ● Empathy:

Empathetic people can put themselves in the shoe of others and understand the reasons behind their actions. This is the attitude you must have if you want to become an emotionally intelligent leader. To improve your quality of being empathetic toward others, you can start to take notes of their body language and respond to feelings. The next time before you ask your subordinates to work late again, think really hard if that work can be done next thing in the morning.

     ● Social Skills Development:

Empathetic leaders who have high emotional intelligence also have one thing in common and that is their perfect social skills. Goleman said social skills are “friendliness with a purpose” which translates to treating everyone with respect and politeness. If you want to become a leader with high emotional intelligence, you need to learn how to solve conflicts and disputes at work. You must also start appreciating your workers more and building better communication skills.

Emotional intelligence is one of the most critical components in today’s workplace, however, it also presents excellent opportunities to advance your career and build a name for yourself.

Tags: What is Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace, Importance of Emotional Intelligence at Workplace, Why is Emotional Intelligence Important in the Workplace, Benefits of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace