10 Major Press Release Writing Mistakes to Avoid for Excellent Engagement

6th September, 2021

Press Release Writing Mistakes to Avoid

Over the past decade, press releases have drastically transformed along with technology. The days, when you followed a traditional format and ignored all the latest marketing trends are gone. Surprisingly, today it’s just the opposite!

There are moments when you think you know how to write a press release and that everything is ready. But you must understand that it is always worth double-checking to ensure you’re not making silly mistakes. Or you might just end up messing with your brand reputation.

To assist you in offering high-quality PR, below listed are a few common press release writing mistakes to avoid:

10 big mistakes to avoid while writing a press release are:

1. Boring Headline

Indeed, a headline doesn’t reflect the full content. But this is equally true, that it is the headline that attracts a reader’s initial attention. Also, they start news reading when a headline or title catches the reader’s attention.

So, avoid using clichés. Make it short and impactful. Use necessary and relevant keywords to frame the headline that would stimulate your reader to proceed.

2. Unworthy Content

This is something you can never compromise with. Content is of high value. So, make sure that you decide to send out PR on a newsworthy topic. It is usually recommended to keep the content within 500 words.

Focus on the 5 Ws:

  • What
  • Who
  • Why
  • Where
  • When

3. Caps Lock

Don’t overdo to attract attention. Using Caps Lock to stir the reader’s attention is one of them. But make sure that you are not using caps lock to highlight the phrases or the keywords.

4. Grammatical Errors

Well, even the most experienced writers could sometimes make typos or silly errors. But will the journalists consider it? The answer is a big no. Making grammatical errors in your PR is a big no-no!

For this reason, you need the experts to guide you. They have the necessary experience and knowledge to frame error-free PRs.

5. Advertising

Remember that PRs are not sent out to advertise your brand’s name. A press release is directed to inform the readers about your company’s new event in a neutral tone. The moment media feel that PR is your approach to advertise a certain product, it fails!

6. No Exclamations!

You indeed want the readers to direct their attention towards some specific details, but using too much of something can create a counter effect. This further lowers the credibility of your brand.

For instance, the frequent usage of exclamation marks. Do not put an exclamation mark to emphasize every other word. Also, avoid using words like ‘reliable’, ’best’, ‘free’, ‘most efficient' etc.

7. Avoiding Quotes

A Quote is the only part of a PR that a journalist cannot change or alter. So be selective on how you choose to include one. Also, instead of repeating words or texts, it is always better to include a quote that provides more facts related to the news.

Quotes are a good way to highlight important information. You can define your company’s position with a quote.

8. Link Stuffing

Now before you go on a linking spree, it’s important to understand that too many links can annoy the readers. It might have certain consequences related to your brand’s online visibility.  

Therefore, make sure to wisely choose your links.

Consider evaluating the following questions:

  • Whether the embedded link aligns with your PR goal?
  • Is it relevant to your target audience?
  • Is there any better way to deliver that particular information?
  • Does it add value?

If the answer to the above-mentioned questions is no, then cut it!

9. No Visionary treat

The importance of visuals in PR can never be overstated. But sadly, the majority of PRs today are still plain texts. Companies need to understand that visuals generate better results.

So please don’t neglect it. Use interactive media and visuals to grab the reader’s attention. You can embed the visual content directly into the PR. Just remember to include visuals that are relevant to your content and also the main audience.

10. No Contact Details?

In case a journalist has any additional queries, he/ she should be able to contact you. Therefore, not including proper contact details could initiate another problem.

Make sure that your PR includes details such as:

  • Name of the contact person
  • His/ Her position in the company
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address

So, there are just some of the examples of common mistakes that are most widespread.

Now that you know the mistakes which could be holding you back from reaching your desired goal, you could start practicing new approaches! You can write the PRs all by yourself. But just in case, you second-guess yourself, seek external help!

Yes. Many marketers get excited about sending out the press releases but do not have the necessary knowledge or skill to write a PR. Don’t worry, there are a lot of renowned companies that have PR writing experts ready to help you draft an error-free PR.

Take their expertise to write a fully optimized PR and let your target audience know about your brand’s important and newsworthy message.

Tags: Press Release Writing Mistakes to Avoid, Mistakes to Avoid while Writing a Press Release