Know How to Write a New Hire Press Release Flawlessly

17th March, 2023

How to Write a New Hire Press Release

A press release is a tool for promotion that everyone knows. But apart from this, there are many things where a press release can be used. If you own a company then you can use a new hire press release. It is a kind of press release when you have hired a new member of your company. It is quite different from other press releases. It is a perfect way of letting people know more about your company. Thus it helps to create a good image among everyone.

A new hire press release is an absolutely new kind of write-up. Therefore if you want to know every detail of what is a new hire PR and how to write a new hire press release, then here are all the tips –

What is a New Hire PR?

The new hire press release is a well-versed writing whereas a company you can send a direct message to everyone that your company has hired new members recently. A new hire PR can also be three kinds of. Here are the different categories –

  • New Team Member:

When a new member joins a team in your company, you can write a press release. This way you will get to give all the updates of your company to the target audiences.

  • Multiple New Hire Members:

You can create a new hire press release when you are hiring multiple persons at the same time. This is used only for non-senior management positions.

  • Employee Promotion:

When an existing member is promoted to a senior position, then you can create a press release.

What Should You Add in a New Hire Press Release?

The new hire press release is a very important thing if your company is a well-established one. For that reason, you have to give all the updates to your followers. Along with that, when an employee is getting a promotion to a senior position or getting hired, then it is a very proud moment for your company. Thus sharing such information is quite important. In a scenario, you must follow a few things to create a press release. Besides all the other details, you have to add 5 W’s in the PR. Those are-

  • Who: The name of the new employee or who is getting the promotion.
  • What: Qualification of the new member or the existing employee.
  • When: Joining date of the newly hired member or date of the promotion.
  • Where: The responsibilities and position in the company.
  • Why: Why the employee has been hired or promoted.

Each one of these adds meaning to the press release. And when one is reading the press release, one should get a complete idea of the purpose of the press release. You have to add all these to avoid any kind of press release writing mistakes.

What Should be the Format of a New Hire Press Release?

While distributing a press release, you have to maintain a format in the press release. Otherwise, you won’t be able to make an impact on the readers. A PR is formal writing and you have to follow a constructive structure. Here is a layout of a press release-

  • Company Logo: Your company Logo should in the top of the header.
  • Release Date: You need to add a release date for the press release.

Title/ Headline: A press release needs to have a title before starting to write. Thus you need to add a catchy sentence to it.

  • First Paragraph: At the very beginning clear out the purpose of writing the PR. In this portion, you have to include the 5 Ws. It shouldn’t be very lengthy, so try to keep it short.
  • Second and Third Paragraphs: In the rest of the writing, you can add other information that you want to say to your audience. You can also add more things about your company that everyone should know.
  • Company Quote: You can add a quotation of a respected person from your company and their opinion about the new hire. This way you will get to build a bond with everyone.
  • Fourth Paragraph: In this portion, you can write things about how the new hire will be welcomed in the company and their responsibilities in the company.
  • Boilerplate/ Conclusion: At the very end you can write about your company and end it on a good note.

So, here are all the details that you need to follow while writing a new hire press release. Therefore if you want to write a new hire press release from professionals, then visit the website at

Tags: How to Write a New Hire Press Release, Press Release Writing Mistakes