Learn How to Write an Art Exhibition Press Release That Works

31st January, 2024

Write an Art Exhibition Press Release

It is not unknown that press releases are widely used in every industry and it successfully become a part of art as well. An artist press release refers to the PR or the tool that helps to let the world know about some upcoming art event or exhibition that describes the artist's professional life. The PR professionals who are working in the art industry must understand how to create an art press release and pitch it effectively to the media to create a buzz. While the fundamental properties of a press release remain the same, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to an Art PR. 

Let’s take a better look at how to write an art exhibition press release or any PR for the artist’s needs that helps to embrace their artwork and career with more exposure. 

What is an Art Exhibition Press Release?

What is an Art Exhibition Press Release?

An art exhibition press release refers to the PR that covers all key details of an art event and invites more attendees to the exhibition. It also assists journalists, marketers, and influencers to cover your story while creating more awareness regarding the event. 

What is an Artist’s Press Release?

What is an Artist’s Press Release?

An artist’s press release shares important details and time-sensitive and newsworthy information regarding an artist or a group. It is mainly based on the debut exhibitions, premieres, shows, achievements, and other stuff that describes art and the artist. 

Why Should One Write an Artist’s Press Release?

Press Releases help to gain more attention from potential customers and exposure from niche industries that help to establish a business and boost its growth. The art industry is not an exception in this case, as emerging artists are also struggling for recognition and art enthusiasts who would like to purchase or own some of the artwork. Since art is a bigger envelope that involves everything; different types of artists can get different kinds of benefits from press releases. 

Why Should One Write an Artist’s Press Release?

With an artist press release, painters and sculptors can translate into more exhibition visitors while a music artist might gain more loyal listeners and organic streams. For authors, it might help to sell more books. Press releases can help artists strengthen their public relations and provide more control over their presence on the web and media.

How to Write an Art Exhibition Press Release (Step-by-step Guide)?

The fundamental idea of PR is not changed in this case. However, when you want to write a press release for an artist, it goes beyond contemporary PR practices. Let’s have a better look at it. 

How to Write an Art Exhibition Press Release (Step-by-step Guide)?

1. Catchy Headline and a Compelling Lead

An attention-grabbing headline is a must and along with a proper lead sentence, it can invite readers or online users directly to the press release content. It helps to pique their interest and makes them read further. In the lead sentence, you must share the most important point of your news and why it is exciting. Make sure to keep the headline short and attractive or else no one is going to read your PR content.

Make sure to utilize the “5 W’s” concept in your lead which allows the distill message and focus on what is most important. Answering the questions of who, what, when, where, and why makes the PR more informative and easy to read. It is like an overview of the whole story. 

2. Dateline

Dateline is a tiny yet most valuable part of a press release that tells about the origin of the news and its time. Dateline helps to understand the relevance and authenticity of the press release as it is time-sensitive. 

3. Quotes from the Artist

Adding quotes to press releases is a good practice itself, and when it comes to art exhibitions it offers extra insight with relevance to the event. It eventually helps the journalists craft a more compelling and engaging story that can captivate the readers. For example, here is an exhibition curator’s quote, 

“I am honored to share these powerful works that demonstrate the vital, ongoing contributions of Native artists.” As you can see, the quote does not only offer the feelings of the curator but also briefly explains what the exhibition is about and which artists have worked on it. 

4. Add More Visual Assets

Since it is an artist’s press release, visual assets are a must for this PR. The press release can feature a variety of visuals such as artworks, artist portraits, frames, trailers, music videos, and the list goes. Visual impressions last long and can help to recognize even if seen only once. Opt for an image that aligns with your art show’s theme and add to the PR to establish a stringer press release narrative. 

Also, make sure to mind your legal issues as PR expert Aleksandra Kubicka said “If you publish press releases on your website or an online press room with materials – it’s worth adding a disclaimer concerning legal issues.”

5. Artist’s Bio and Media Contact 

In this section, you must provide a brief description of yourself and your work that helps curious enthusiasts explore more about you. The bio must be written in an organic way which makes the artist more relatable to the masses. It helps journalists and readers to find more information about you. Similarly, media contacts are highly important and allow any interested person to contact you for collaboration and other projects. Though this portion comes at the end of the content, it is what makes the PR authentic and more effective to gain more exposure. 

What to Include in an Artist Press Release?

What to Include in an Artist Press Release?

When you are creating a new artist press release, there are two important elements that you must add. 

  • Artist Press Kit (APK) - A press kit is usually comprised of texts, graphics, and other media content that allows journalists to create more engaging content.
  • Setting Goals - Tailor-made press releases should be written in a way that aligns with your specific objectives. Your message will gain more clarity a readers’ actions such as purchasing artwork or attending the exhibition. 

What to Consider When Writing an Art Exhibition Opening Press Release?

What to Consider When Writing an Art Exhibition Opening Press Release?

1. Keep the Timeline in Mind

It is recommended to share the press release for an art exhibition opening at least two weeks before the event. This helps to create anticipation among the attendees and offers ample time for them to set the schedule. It also helps to gain maximum media coverage from the market which boosts visitor turnout. You can also implement feedback after the initial draft.

2. Attention to Details

An art exhibition consists of a lot of elements and here are a few to focus on, 

  • Name of the artist
  • Title of the exhibition
  • Name and location of the venue
  • Opening date and duration of the exhibition
  • Curators
  • Support
  • Admission price
  • Contact information

3. Credit Information

Credit information explains how to properly attribute the images and media files attached to the press release. It is a standardized format, followed by most artists. 

How to Publish Your Art in Media?

How to Publish Your Art in Media?

Getting published in media is not an easy task and not every piece of news will be featured in media. There could be multiple reasons behind it such as opting for the wrong journalists or not knowing how to pitch them effectively. To ensure this fact, send the PR to journalists and local press using a high-quality media database. It also helps to stay in touch with the niche industry. 

  • Utilize Good Quality Media Database

You can reach the right audience with the help of the right media database that offers contacts for niche journalists. There are many media databases that you can purchase which offer over a million contacts including journalists, marketers, and other media outlets. You can make a global approach, particularly in the USA based on your exhibition needs. 

  • Get Covered in the Local Press 

Local newspapers might not be a big deal but they can still offer ample exposure as it is read by a major number of citizens in the locale. Local news is a great way to create a more exclusive buzz. 

Who Else You Can Pitch with the Art Press Release?

Apart from the media databases, you can also pitch to, 

  • Organizations and people who have already shown interest in your artwork or similar artworks in your style and genre.
  • Voices that cover similar types of artwork. 
  • Bloggers and writers who write in a similar area.
  • Galleries and curators who might be interested in your creations.

Concluding Thoughts

An artist press release or a PR for an art exhibition can help to spread the word around the world, beyond the art industry. The success of such PRs depends on two main factors, attractive content and effective distribution. You can also take help of the online tools and other PR creator platforms for the task. However, if you are looking for a more organic touch in your PR, it is better if you write your own or get professional help from an agency.

Tags: Write an Art Exhibition Press Release, Write a Press Release