Top 7 Practices to Prevent Light Pollution in the Metro Cities

10th November, 2021

Light Pollution

We are a part of the world’s biggest pollution chain, also known as Light Pollution. It might not occur in people’s minds like water pollution or earth pollution but contributes a fair amount of participation in global warming and interference with the natural ecosystem. No matter how much LED and compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) are used by people worldwide, light pollution is an ongoing crisis and requires strict preventive measures for a better future. Below written is everything you need to know about the crisis.

Light pollution – Know in details:

Light pollution is also known as photo pollution or luminous pollution which means excessive or misdirected use of light that causes artificial outdoor lighting. The mismanagement of light manipulates the color and contrast of the night sky, hampers the natural starlight and also affects nature on a greater level. This problem is getting bigger with the demand for artificial lights every year as the world population is increasing with modern lifestyle and consumption behaviors.

How to prevent light pollution?

Light pollution does not create any waste which needs to be disposed. It only hampers the daily lifestyle of humans as well as the animals, birds, and insects of nature. With some outdoor lighting practices, the crisis can be solved or at least reduced at a greater magnitude. Always remember artificial lights are meant to provide humans with better visibility in darkness. What is invented to make our life easier should not be exploited for temporary happiness that can become harmful to others.

1. Warm Lights

The warm lights emit less light and scatter less which makes them applicable for all purposes. On the other hand, blue light emits has a short-wavelength as it scatters easily into the atmosphere and creates eyestrain, affects the night vision, and adds more to global light pollution.

2. Put up Shields

Shielding outdoor lights with a solid cap help to stop unnecessary emission that causes light pollution. It prevents the light from direct projection at the sky which minimizes the effects of sky pollution. It also helps to get a concentrated light area under the lamp.

3. Cut Off

There are exterior light fixtures that help to prevent the light from escaping beyond the horizon line, known as the nadir. There are Full Cutoffs, Cutoffs, and Semi Cutoffs that work as lateral angles on the light emission guiding them downwards.

4. Put on Sensors

With the progress of technology, humans have created light with sensors that sense the atmosphere and adjust brightness accordingly like the auto-brightness option on smartphones. These lights get on at night time and turn off at the day time. There are even AI sensors that adjust the color and brightness of light, based on the surrounding atmosphere. Install the latest technologies to prevent light pollution without even worrying about it. However, sensors can be costly at some point. In that case, people have to go through some healthy practices of using artificial lights manually.  

5. Verified Lights

The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) has certified some of the handiest artificial lights that minimize glare, light spill, and sky glow. These lights are specially made to be fixed at any corner of the house and it produces long-wavelength light that does not scatter easily. Mount these lights low to the ground in order to avoid the high-angle brightness.

6. Turn Off

The lazy behavior and carefree attitude towards energy consumption are some of the prime reasons for pollution. These aspects enhance the light pollution as most people enthusiastically turn on light when they need it but forget to turn It off when the purpose is done. Turning off lights when not needed is a crucial practice that should be implemented on people from a younger age. The average active light timing should be from dusk to dawn. Even when we sleep, the need for light is negligible. If you are still in doubt, you can turn it off by 11 PM to start healthy practices. This practice does not only help to reduce light pollution but also helps to conserve energy without wasting it.

7. Involvement

Light pollution is a global cause and there is no point in selfishness. To take preventive measures requires the involvement of everyone on a greater level. Every human should take preventive measures at their residence, locality, and region. Even spreading awareness can bring change in society.


The effects of light pollution hamper the nature and atmosphere more than human life. Even if you are not feeling disturbed by the blurred vision of the night sky, take preventive measures for the sake of nature.

Tags: Light Pollution, Prevent Light Pollution